<AI & Equality> is a Women at the Table initiative in collaboration with UN Human Rights (OHCHR). It is a basic human rights workshop blended with tools to directly and immediately see how human rights principles can be applied and thought about analytically in code. The workshop showcases a Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) to AI, provides examples of how gender, racial and other biases can occur in the research, design and development of algorithms and illustrates methods, tools and techniques to mitigate bias in AI.
- Explain a human rights-based approach to AI
- Identify relevance of different biases and importance of intersectionality, gender equality and bias to computer science and engineering / institutional objectives
- Analyse how gender, racial and other bias has occurred or can occur in the research, design and development of AI
- Apply how and when to use use tools and techniques to mitigate bias in AI
- Evaluate methods to integrate non-discrimination into design, planning and implementation of AI projects
The workshop may be found here https://colab.research.google.com/drive/11SWijBDkr1pSgIXyjUkgoSB0gh5oAlaI?usp=sharing#scrollTo=q0yws39Cp6fk and to learn more about the project, see https://aiequalitytoolbox.com/index.html