digital storytelling – again

So I attended another digital storytelling session. Interesting session but I have yet to look into the videos myself. I know I saw that site before and took a look at its main video, but did not quite get it. Now I think I understand more what that is all about. So.. without further ado, here are my notes:

Digital storytelling for enhanced faculty development

Presenters: Brett Christie, Sonoma State University and Lou Zweier, CSU

Digital storytelling for enhanced faculty development

Presenters: Brett Christie, Sonoma State University and Lou Zweier, CSU

Websites: (MIC 2009 Elixir-EnAct) for the slide presentation

brettchristieandlouzweierOverview of ELIXIR, EnAct, and CSU FDC, main goals and how case stories supports, case story defined etc.

What is a case story? An interactive multimedia presentation of innovative teaching practice. It integrates text, images, video and support resources to tell a story and demonstrate ‘how to’; integrates faculty, student, and faculty development perspectives to communicate educational and personal impact; stories are focused on a set of themes from a range of disciplines [so that faculty development people could use these].

What really are the challenges that faculty face? How are students affected by it?

ELIXIR case story themes: academic integrity, 1st day of classes, etc.

How are they made? Case story teams can include a faculty developer, a media producer, an instructional designer, and a project director:

  • A subject for the case is selected
  • A case scenario is developed and reviewed
  • Faculty and student interviews are conducted
  • Classroom and other illustrative footage is shot
  • Video footage review and editing
  • Formative review and feedback with web review page
  • Assembly of presentation with Pachyderm
  • Revisions and release

The theme leader coordinates and guides the case stories developed with that theme. Some teams may do storyboarding and some may not.

Website is at He showed the video:

The cases are available for anyone to use.

Case story use for faculty development: the cases can be used

  • As a component of a F2F workshop eg. Course transformation
  • As a lead-in or follow-up to a F2F session eg. Knowledge surverys
  • As a component of faculty learning community process eg. Universal Design for Learning
  • As part of new faculty orientation: eg. First Day of Class [how do you show teachers how to make students excited on that first day about coming back the following week]

Faculty learning communities in higher education: another video on Merlot ELIXIR. We have interviews there with faculty etc. Faculty members sharing their course and getting feedback from peers.

Can other faculty make comments on those videos? This is something they will look at. There is a user-testing form that you can fill out so you can make suggestions about the project.

Look at the resources section in the ELIXIR on Merlot.

In the end he showed some very positive stats on the use of this project.

Lessons learned:

  • ‘how to’ is as important as ‘why’ in a good case story
  • Formative review during case story development is critical
  • Short clips with efficient narrative are preferred – 1-3 min
  • Support resources provide needed detail for implementation – handouts, guides, repots, links]
  • Student voice and ‘B Roll’ adds credibility and dimension
  • Usability of authoring tool and published presentation is critical


  • Invitation to use our case stories
  • Invitation to make your own