ncmr2011: wikileaks panel

At national conference on media reform – Boston April 8th

Panel: Wikileaks, Journalism and Modern-Day Muckraking
Moderator Amy Goodman of Democracy Now.

Greg Mitchell @GregMitch: [author of Bradley Manning book] Collatoral murder video came out a year ago. There was more before cablegate.


Yesterday Washington post talks abt cables released a year ago abt Yemen’s Saleh. Media has to decide what to cover and what to ignore. Wikileaks has threatened that from beginning that it will circumvent gatekeepers of media bec media self-censors. Wikileaks itself in the collateral murder video, since then they formed partnerships with newspapers for different releases. They began working with mainstream media and led to good coverage. Al Jazeera [ @AJEnglish ] #Transparency Unit mentioned by @GregMitch: NYT had to admit finally that they showed all cables to CIA and so they got the raw documents but did discretional censorship and exerted their gatekeeper function. By December they stopped coverage and gone to other issues. Times and Guardian conflict with Assange and perhaps that’s why he moved on to Washington post. Several whistleblowing sites came up but now the message re manning is ‘see what happens if you leak anything’.