5 coding ideas.. including css /js, html5 snippets

So here are some ways to learn code:

html5 snippets

css3 and jquery treasures

Tools and freebies:

jquery, css3 and html5 tips

Here are some helpful tips, tools and code for jquery, css3 and html5:

  1. – a new design tool
  2. Supersized background slideshow jquery plugin
  3. animated background headers
  4. Tooltip Styles Inspiration
  5. Alerts… but awesome. 🙂
  6. Freebie photography, tools, and other stuff
  7. CSS3 pre fix tool
  8. CSS3 Icons
  9. interactive infographics
  10. Make the most of your design with hero headers
  11. cheat sheets for design
  12. 10 basic tips about responsive design [really good]
  13. Toolbar.js
  14. html5 use responsibly
  15. 44 Free Responsive website templates