Mission and Objectives

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Virtual activism works on the intersection between human rights, development and technology.

Our mission is to strengthen marginalized communities through the use of information communications technologies  and linking them to human rights, development and the SDGs.


  • Working with marginalized communities who have had little or no formal education to provide them with skills to enter the job market.
  • Promoting freedom of expression and privacy issues.
  • Using and encouraging the use of free and open source software to enable sustainability. Increase the awareness, integration and adoption of free and open source software (FOSS tools). The emphasis is on building the capacity of non-profit practitioners and under-priviledged schools to use FOSS as a means of sustainability to avoid financial hardships especially in financially distressed communities.
  • Forming partnerships with NGOs to facilitate networking, communication, and exchange and flow of information. Strengthening local knowledge-sharing to encourage peer-to-peer information exchange
  • Facilitating the exchange of experiences in the field of information technologies in marginalized communities and encouraging them to learn about its empowering potential, economically, socially and culturally. Demonstrating the values and advantages of communicating digitally with emphasis on how ICTs could improve the quality of life.
  • Develop a pool of resource people (trainers) who can articulate and teach information technologies in their own communities.
  • Draw attention to the values of ICT and specifically promote its use to outline the vision of communities in building a knowledge economy.
  • Engaging with others to ensure the existence of an ethical dimension to ICT and emerging technologies, to enable ICT for Good.