Marlyn Tadros

Founder, CEO and Executive Director

Marlyn Tadros is a leading human rights defender from Egypt who currently lives in the US. She is Professor of Media Arts and Communication at the Southern New Hampshire University.

Tadros was a Research Affiliate at the Middle East Center at Northeastern University and was also a Visiting Scholar in their Women’s Department. She occasionally taught human rights and Middle East Studies at the Political Science Department at NEU. In addition, she was a Visiting Fellow at the Human Rights Program at Harvard University.

Prior to coming to the US in September 1998, she was Deputy director of the Legal Research and Resource Center for Human Rights in Cairo, Egypt, and Executive Director of the National Steering Committee of the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development which took place in Cairo in 1994. She continues to be involved in human rights issues in the Arab World.

Tadros served on the Board of Directors of Grassroots International, Boston, and other human rights-related organizations and has been appointed to the International Fellowships Panel of the American Association of University Women.

She is the founder of Virtual Activism – and its project MENGOs [ Middle East NGOs: Center for Knowledge Society] – both of which were pioneering projects that dealt with the intersection between technology and human rights and development.

She currently organizes training workshops in technology and human rights in several countries around the world, with special focus on the Middle East. She is also author of numerous papers on the Middle East with several publications in both English and Arabic on issues ranging from human rights to education, technology and social media.