AI robot

It is the race to be first that will kill us

When I first spoke of AI 6 years ago, everyone said ‘sentient’ is way in the future. Apparently not, and especially not after ChatGPT4. It is becoming more serious and, so far, more disturbing. I am neither an alarmist nor a luddite. However, there are some disturbing issues about it. While doing some more research, […]

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When AI gets a nervous breakdown

Apparently Microsoft’s new ChatGPT AI is having a nervous breakdown. It started sending ‘unhinged’ messages to people, according to the Independent newspaper. Looking further into the matter, it seems that it hurled insults at people who were attempting to hack it or to get it to spit out its code secrets. For example, in conversations […]

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VA and the Egyptian Human Rights Forum at CSW67

VA and the Egyptian Human Rights Forum will be presenting a panel at CSW67 on March 8th entitled: Current/Emerging Tech: Enhancing Gender Equality or Exacerbating Authoritarian Abuse? The digital revolution has brought about many advancements and opportunities for women and for human rights defenders, but it has also raised concerns about its impact on gender […]

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secondeye malware

SecondEye in Iran

SecondEye is a product that was developed in Iran by a web and development company in Iran named UltimateSoft Co, and marketed as a parenting or employee surveillance tool. However, it has been reportedly repurposed and used as spyware known as EyeSpy. The malware is allegedly deployed by disguising it as a free VPN package […]

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CSW 67 logo

CSW67 – 2023

The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) was established in 1946 as a functional commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Its mandate is to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women. The commission meets annually for a two-week session in New York, during which member states, UN […]

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